Presses / Pressure Defense for Youth Basketball
Pressure Defense (Presses) for Youth Basketball is an "Interactive" eBook that assists youth coaches with the understanding that the best way to control the game's tempo is to apply full-court or half-court pressure. A well-run press can get points on the board quickly and can give your team the advantage against the stronger teams you face. Your Defense can be your Offense using well-executed Pressure Defenses. The Full-Court Press and Full-Court Press Breaker were always the first plays I taught my youth players. It's also important to understand that whether it's 1975 or 2025, the same basic principles and fundamentals for running a Pressure Defense are still relevant today. The information in our eBook includes - Basic Defense, Stances, Step Slide / Basic 1-2-2 Zone Press / Basic Pressure Defense Teaching Points / Basic Half Court Press / Basic 1-2-2 Full Court Denial Press / Common Mistakes when Pressing / A Basic Half Court Press / Defensive Drills and much more. Packed with pictures, diagrams, video clips, and helpful forms! "Read" the information in the booklet – then "View" the demonstrations on the Video Clips using the links: an excellent "Interactive" instructional tool, resource, and reference for youth basketball coaches. Get your Copy Now! You get all this information for one low price of $3.99. Can't beat this price for this much information! Get your copy of Presses / Pressure Defenses for Youth Basketball Now! You should receive your download link immediately after your payment clears (within the hour). If for some reason you do not receive your download link, please contact us and we will take care of any issue ASAP!